Welcome to NCST.BID the official information portal for advertising and sponsorships across the NCST Network of platforms.
Featured: Facebook Topic Sponsorships
Our Facebook Page was our very first platform and is undoubtedly our largest reach to the community. By offering sponsorship of certain post types, we’ve been able to ensure the continued existence and growth of the entire NCST Network.
Sponsorships are divided by topics which quickly allow us to segment content to certain sponsors. Currently the following topics are available for sponsorship: Traffic, Crime, Fire, Weather, and Vehicle Pursuits. We are also exploring specialty topics that have a lower outreach, however are also suited to smaller businesses.
Have a time sensitive event or just want to try out advertising on a smaller scale? Our Single Post Advertising may be the perfect solution for you.
Single Post Advertisements allow you to advertise your event, company, or cause in a single post on our Facebook Page. There’s a limited number of spaces available each week and spaces are set at time periods to ensure the greatest reach.
The goal of Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic is to provide important, timely, and otherwise unavailable information to the community through it’s Network of sites on various public platforms.
The income generated through sponsorships and advertising support the operation, and expansion of this goal. From hardware to open records fees, acquiring and disseminating this information from the numerous sources can be both time and resources intensive.
Partnering with local companies to generate this income, while allowing them access to one of the single largest targeted advertising venues in the area is our attempt to balance the goal of keeping all of our information free to the public while covering the operation and expansion to provide even more information.
Withing these partnerships, and the community that views, shares, and interacts with out content, NCST could not exist.
Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic ( NCST ) is a registered DBA of R41D41 Industries, LLC., a Georgia limited liability company licensed to conduct business by the City of Newnan.