Facebook Topic Sponsorships

Facebook Sponsorships are the backbone of the operation of Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic. The ability to partner with local companies allows us to cover the cost of operations and expansion of the NCST Network while connecting them to our community of users. Without these partnerships, NCST couldn’t exist.

Due to the nature of the content we post, our posts can easily be separated into a handful of topics. Our primary topics include a majority of the types of calls for service that we post and generate a large percentage of our reach on the platform. In an attempt to allow for more companies to be able to partner with us, we’ve started identifying secondary topics for sponsorship. These topics are less frequent and therefore normally command a lower cost. A list of topics and a quick description of what each topic covers is below.

More information about what sponsorships include is below.

Table of Contents

Available Sponsorship Topics
Primary Topics


Our traffic coverage is some of the most popular content on the platform. With update to date information on accidents, traffic hazards and road closures in and around the area, we hope to improve the drive of community members while also highlighting dangerous intersections and activates by allowing the community to see information not normally available from other sources.


Crime is possibly the most important information that we post. From warning the community of dangerous events as they occur, to reporting on crimes after their conclusion, NCST attempts to provide the community with factual, timely information with a bit of levity.


From Structure Fires to Vehicle Fires, letting the community know to avoid areas where fire operations are occurring can both save them time, but also increase the safety of first responders working the fire.


Nothing gives the community more anxiety then knowing severe weather is on the way. We aim to help reduce that anxiety by conveying information quickly and focused on impacts to our area. To do this we keep an eye on forecast, hoping to give the community as much lead time as possible to any weather impacts, as well as convey real time information on watches, warnings and observations from the National Weather Service as well as other sources.

The Weather Topic also includes sponsorship of NCST’s Weather Group, a Facebook Group of nearly 10,000 community members that get more detailed weather information throughout events and in-between events.

Vehicle Pursuits

NCST is nothing if not the home of the Yeet’s. Our coverage of Vehicle Pursuits as they occur, as well as our follow-up stores, and dash cam video of these events, is without a doubt an important driver of our success. Our coverage has helped inform the community of the rate at which they are occurring, as well as their impact – something that wasn’t availably previously.

Secondary Topics

Life Flight Response

When Life Flight Responds, something has gone wrong. These highly skilled first responders ensure every patient has the best chance at life.

As a result, most Life Flight responses land as close to the scene as possible. These landing zones are often large areas in public locations – from parking lots to soccer fields ensuring a clear LZ for the helicopter and a clear path there for the ambulance is extremally important.

Sponsorship Explained

While your Sponsorship certainly helps our continued operations, it’s also meant to help get your companies information in front of our large community of local users. In order to do that we include your companies information any time we post content related to your topic on the Facebook Page.

Who can be a Sponsor?

Anyone! While companies are the obvious target of Sponsorships, anyone may bid to become a Sponsor as long as they meet the criteria below.

Sponsors can not be direct competitors of other primary topic sponsors. For instance, if the current sponsor of the Crime Topic is a roofing company, then another roofing company can not become the sponsor of the Traffic Topic for an overlapping time period.

We define a direct competitor as a company whose primary good or service is the same as another. In the roofing company example above, if the current sponsor also offers door installation it would not be considered their primary good or service and a company who specializes in door installation as their primary service would be free to bid on a primary sponsorship. If you have any question in regards to whether your company would be considered a direct competitor, please feel free to contact us.

We reserve the right to not accept bids from companies that we feel don’t align with the values and goals of Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic for any reason.

Sponsorship Banner

This normally is done in the form of a visual banner attached to the post. This banner can contain any marketing information you wish to include, but normally includes your logo, description of services, and contact information. An example can be seen below.

If you’ve already got someone that does the graphics for your company, we can provide you with a template to provide them, or we will be more then happy to work with you to create a banner of your liking. All banners are of a certain size in order to ensure proper display within Facebook.

Example Sponsorship Banner

Please note that from time to time it may be necessary for NCST to attach other media or a link to the post, in which case the sponsor’s name and link will be placed at the top of the post text as seen in the example image below. Please note you can choose to have links on the site direct users to your companies Facebook Page or to your Website.

Example Inline Sponsorship Text
Sponsorship Period Length

In order to balance the time spent by NCST administering Sponsorships and allowing a chance for companies to obtain sponsorship spots, the normal amount of time set for Sponsorships is a fiscal quarter, or 3 months. Our goal is to mirror the normal fiscal quarters with Sponsorships running from Jan – Mar, etc. 

Occasionally NCST may decide to set a different period of Sponsorship, if this occurs, it will be noted in the Sealed Bid Information allowing for all potential Sponsors to be aware of before bidding.

A sponsor completing their first 3 month period of Sponsorship will normally be given the option of continuing their Sponsorship for a second 3 month period at the same price, however in order to ensure NCST is able to meet it’s operational needs, NCST reserves the right to not extend this option at it’s discretion.