Yeet Topic Sponsorship Sealed Bid

Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic ( NCST ) is requesting sealed bids for Sponsorship of the Yeet Topic during Q3 of 2024

Sealed Bid Information

We currently have an open records request with the CCSO to receive a large number of dashcam video for vehicle pursuits thus far this year. As seen below, open records fees are sizeable however the next topic sponsor looks to have their branding included in the pre-roll of many videos.

The Yeet ( Vehicle Pursuit ) Topic

NCST is nothing if not the home of the Yeet’s. Our coverage of Vehicle Pursuits as they occur, as well as our follow-up stores, and dashcam video of these events, is without a doubt an important driver of our success. Our coverage has helped inform the community of the rate at which they are occurring, as well as their impact – something that wasn’t available previously.

Sponsorship of the Yeet ( Vehicle Pursuit ) topic includes having your banner displayed on the NCST Yeet Report, a well-trafficked website that chronicles the vehicle pursuits in the county in a yearly listing. You can visit the site here.

Sponsorship also includes your company’s branding being placed at the beginning of any dashcam video released by NCST of vehicle pursuits during your sponsorship period.

Topic for Bid

Yeet ( Vehicle Pursuits )

Nature Codes

Vehicle Pursuits

Bid Period Ends

Friday, June 28th, 2024 at 11 AM EST

Sponsorship Period

Q3 2024 / Jul 1st to Sep 30th

Minimum Bid


Before placing a sealed bid, please make sure that you’ve read how the sealed bid process works and understand the terms.

Important Reminders
  • You are placing the highest bid you are willing to pay to be the sponsor of the Yeet topic for the period stated above. If your bid is the highest and you meet the terms stated in the link above, you will be the highest bidder.
  • The highest bidder will be contacted shortly after the bid period has ended ( date and time above ) and will be provided an Invoice for payment. Please have payment available at that time. Once paid, there is no refund available on sponsorships.
  • Payment is made through a PayPal Invoice. You may use a PayPal account, or pay using a debit or credit card. PayPal may have financing available through their service, but we have no control over their offerings.
  • Your sponsorship does not begin until the 1st of July 2024.
  • Currently, we can not accept sponsors competing in the following Primary Industries: Environmental & Industrial Services, Pharmacies, Roofing. If you have a question if your company is a competitor in one of these industries, please email [email protected]
  • All Bids must be received by the end of the bid period stated above!

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at [email protected]

Thank you for your interest in helping sponsor Newnan Coweta Scanner Traffic and helping us bring quality content to the community. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Submit your Sealed Bid